ASMR Beard Styling Tutorial

Relax with this ASMR Beard Styling Tutorial. Soft-spoken and chill.

Video Transcription:

Okay today I am doing a beard styling tutorial. I’m going to show you some of the products that I use. I’m going to show you some of the tools that I use. And I will show you some styling techniques that I use. So let’s get started.

This is actually my second styling post-shower. The first one kind of sets the shape, so this is more like getting it ready to go out in the world.


So I start with a homemade salt sea salt spray. There’s a lot of recipes online but it’s basically just salt and water. This one is pink Himalayan sea salt and tap water. I’m just going to spray this, saturate the hair pretty thoroughly. And I will probably make some weird faces while I do this because I try to get the hair so it’s all on a flat surface. So forgive me for the weird faces.


So I’m going to start by using the sea salt spray and a comb. This is a Kent comb.  and I’m just trying to get the hair saturated relatively thoroughly. So I’ll start by doing that.


I’ll step a little closer so I can…  I have a mirror behind this camera, so forgive me for not looking at the camera, all the time at least.


I spray pretty liberally. Since the product itself doesn’t really cost much of anything, I’d rather make sure that it’s thoroughly wet and if I get salt water all over my chest then oh well.


This comb that I’m using, this is pretty much the only thing that I use it for because it will have some salt residue on it and I don’t want to…  I don’t like little salt flakes in my beard if I’m just using the comb to just comb it for a maintenance comb throughout the day. So I have a different main comb and this is my salt spray comb. I could also accomplish the same thing by thoroughly washing this [but] I just give it a rinse. I owned this comb and never used it before I started using the sea salt spray, so it’s just kind of an excuse to use the comb quite honestly.


So I’m taking a little longer than I normally would, but that’s pretty thoroughly wet at this point. I don’t worry about the mustache too much. I kind of push this side part into it, but I don’t see much need to put sea salt spray on the mustache. So that is the first step.


Second step, I use this stuff [Beardbrand beard balm]. I buy this at Target. I’ve done a lot of shopping around and this is definitely the most economically priced beard balm on the market that I can find. And it’s readily available at Target, so you can’t go wrong there.


So I’ll just scoop that out with my thumb, the back of my thumb, the nail of my thumb. And then, that’s about how much I use. Alright, let’s rub that together through the hands. It melts down pretty easily. Some of them take a lot of effort, but this one doesn’t.


So then I’m just going to come in and thoroughly rub this through. The key is to really go deep with it. My approach is to really try to get it on the skin, to think of it like I’m trying to get the balm directly on the skin, like I don’t even care about the hair. Like I just want to get it on the skin. And then that will get it in pretty deep and then it just kind of naturally works its way out to the ends of the hair. And then I just kind of assist it with that as well.  The balm I do get in the mustache, that’s important. The balm is also important for the sea salt spray. I wouldn’t use just salt and water if I weren’t using some type of conditioning product as well, because that could make the hair excessively dry.


So I’ll just wipe the rest of this on my head.


Now I will blow dry. And I will use this brush I got at Sally’s, it’s like 10 or 15 bucks I think. I like the detangler ends because they allow me to get a good pull on the hair, and get it shaped around my jaw bone the way I want. And then this is just a cheap hair dryer that I bought at Target, I think.


All right so I’m going to start with the right side of my face here. The sea salt spray serves basically two purposes. First is to add texture to the look of the hair. It also helps me grab onto it a bit more easily with a brush. But it adds a bit of a textured look and feel to it. Secondly, it gives it a bit more volume, a bit more of a poof. A good poof.


So what I’m doing with the brush is just grabbing hold of the hair and pulling out and then twisting down. The round brush is really great for the purpose of that, so I highly recommend the round brush. But it’s just pulling out and twisting down repeatedly. I do the sides first and then I go to the chin or goatee area. I think it’s important to do that chin/goatee area in the middle of this process because it doesn’t really look right to end on it, having too many of the hairs being directed in that backwards direction. So I’ll do the middle section here and then I’ll come back and do the sides again just to give it a better overall shape.


And that is pretty much all there is to shaping the beard. I just really want to accentuate the jaw. The way I style it, that’s my styling process, just kind of thicken the jaw.

And then this is another Kent comb. This is my main comb. And onto the mustache here. My mustache is pretty thin. It doesn’t take much effort to get it to do what it’s going to do. Just some hot air, brushing it over to either side, that will straighten the hair out. And that’s pretty much that when it comes to doing the mustache.


And then I use my boar hair bristle brush. I got this at Sally’s too, I think it was $3 or something pretty cheap. It has this other side on the back that is a little too rough to use but the side is fine. So then I’ll come through and make more stupid faces and just kind of make sure that everything is going in the same direction. I use the boar bristle brush to just get everything looking as one, like as one cohesive group of hairs instead of many multiple hairs. A little bit through the mustache.


And then I’ll use the comb just to kind of direct the mustache. And I’ll go through the hair again. And then that is pretty much that. This is usually the point at which I will do some touch-up trimming if I’m going to be doing that. Mostly under here. This area is one of the most critical and most difficult areas of a beard to keep looking nice.


All right that is how I style my beard. If you have questions leave them in the comments section and I will answer them.